The name KZenEdge has been derived from three other words that reflect the company’s foundations and value proposition: Kaizen – Japanese term for continuous improvement.

Our logo comes from a Japanese symbol for the number five (5) representing the five main elements of kaizen: teamwork, personal discipline, improved morale, quality circles, and suggestions for improvement

Zen – meditation or careful thought and consideration

Edge – the edge needed to succeed in accomplishing a goal or vision; the edge needed to pass the competition


Throughout our history of exciting growth and evolution, KZenEdge has fostered a culture of integrity that balances client, corporate and staff objectives. Operations started in October 2010 with a small, dedicated team of project management professionals who had an ideal for an alternate model of program and project execution. This ideal quickly evolved into an adaptive methodology for successful client delivery. Sustaining our service quality into the future, with succession planning and continuous learning, will ensure progress towards executing your vision.

KZenEdge would like to thank all past and current clients, staff, friends and family for your business and ongoing support! We look forward to a future of successful relationships and continued growth.